Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Clean Slate

Have I mentioned that I have the sense of humor of a ten year old? Yes, I have. And I've expanded upon that theme. In my defense, it's not something I consciously cultivate. But it rears its unsavory head to my puerile delight from time to time.

Take, for instance, the recent visit with the in-laws. We went to the Flint Hills Discovery Center, a museum dedicated to the history, culture and environment of this part of Kansas. It's a neat museum with peaceful rooftop terraces, a wondrous introductory video, and kid-friendly, hands-on exhibits.

Most of the adults patiently milled about as their children ran around and played. Not me. I tried my hand at auctioneering, guessed riddles on the scavenger hunt, and climbed on a saddle alongside the ten year olds. That's how I roll.

On one particular table they had a branding activity with a board like a Doodle Pro. You could stamp different brands on a bull and then wipe the board clean. This particular exhibit didn't capture my imagination at first... until it dawned on me that I could make a picture within a picture using the different shapes of the brand stamps. "Hey," I thought, "I know what I'll draw!" And this is what happened next:

They might want to rethink the brand shapes.

Just like a child proudly exclaiming, "look, mom!" I ran to get my husband and show him my handiwork. He looked at me with loving tolerance as I proceeded to giggle for five minutes... once I had wiped the slate clean, that is. After all, there were kids present.

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