Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Just Say No

Last week a friend of mine challenged me to say "yes" for an entire week. Whatever came my way, I was to affirm all that the universe had to offer. It was a fine idea (in theory) and I was a good sport (if I may say so myself), but by the end of the week I found myself depleted rather than energized.

I'm an introvert. I get grumpy if I don't get enough time to myself. This is not to say I don't enjoy people. I do! I simply enjoy them in balance and my sense of balance is a bit different from some folks'.

There were many surprising and lovely moments I might have missed. For that I am grateful. But it was tiring.

I found myself saying "no" only once, but I decided it still counted because I had already said "yes" to something else. That's when the realization hit me.

To say "yes" to something implies that we are saying "no" to something else. And I was saying "no" to myself all week. Frankly, I don't need a lesson in saying "no" to myself. I've mastered that one pretty well over the years.

Usually when I say "no", I feel compelled to explain myself. A rush of words tumbles after and I find myself fretting over whether my reason was good enough or not. Even now it is difficult for me to simply say, "I'm sorry, but I can't" and move on. I decline, then agonize.

Another friend introduced me to the phrase "it doesn't suit." I adore "it doesn't suit"! It conveys a polite "no," while implying that you have a reason that is good enough, but you are not at liberty to go into detail at the moment. It's firm, yet delicate. (Is it any wonder it came from a Southerner?!)

So my next challenge is to say yes to myself for an entire week. Instead of seeing what the universe has to offer me, it's high time I start exploring what I have to offer the universe. So, if you happen upon me next week, don't even ask. It simply won't suit.

Would you care to join me in saying "no"?

1 comment:

  1. Love! I am going to start having to say that
